Success Flow

Product Design Manager - FanDuel Canada // FanDuel

Activities - Product design, A/B testing

The winning variant from our Success Flow A/B test

Design Approach

A number of ideas were considered for this project that came out of a brainstorming session between myself and the content designer on my team. After digesting some of the research and considering different approaches from a user perspective, we came up with some hypothetical reasons why users might be hesitant to deposit for a first time:

  • Safety: Users want to know that their money is safe, they won't be charged without consent and there's a low risk for fraud or theft.

  • Responsible gaming: Users want to know that they can bet responsibly. They might not use the tools right away, but they want to know the RG tools are available if they need them.

  • Promotions: Users are highly driven by promotions. They want to know what the promotion is, how to get it and the steps needed to activate or opt in to it.

  • Window shopping / What to use the money for: Users want to know what options are available to them for bets within the app and perform some window shopping. They often want to pick a bet first and then deposit for that bet specifically.

  • Unsure of the process: Users might not have a good understanding of what comes after depositing and the full process of placing a bet.

We came up with designs to address all of these, but decided that safety, responsible gaming and promotions would be the biggest drivers behind user confidence. Our final design address all three of these:

  • Safety: We prominently displayed the logos for the financial institutions used for depositing money within the onboarding flow so that users clearly understood which payment methods were available and that they were trustworthy.

  • Responsible gaming: We highlighted the two most popular RG tools, budgets and loss limits, within the flow as well as including a link to the rest of the RG tools so that users could jump out of the flow to explore more.

  • Promotions: For any new user promotions, we added a promotion screen that explained the terms of the promotion and how to qualify for it within the flow so users would know what they were eligible for and how it could be used.

The team decided to test this new onboarding flow in an A/B test since many of our design choices were based on hypotheses. In addition to this flow, we included an educational version of the flow as a secondary option to test against the control.

Ideas from our whiteboarding session


The new flow was successful beyond our hopes. The RG / Promotional flow saw a 13.76% increase in first time deposits within 24 hours of registration. Going forward, FanDuel Canada will be showing this variant to all users. 

The educational flow was a success as well, showing a 6% increase in first time deposits. Of the users who deposited, there was an 8.26% increase of users who then went on to place their first bet when compared to users who went through the control flow. While we won't be using this educational version in onboarding, we are exploring other ways to incorporate education into a new user's experience to implement what we learned.

The control and two variants tested through A/B testing

Design Brief

User research and UX analytics uncovered an issue on the FanDuel Canada app when onboarding new users. Through analytics, we saw that when the registration flow ended, there was a steep drop off between users completing registration and users depositing. This meant that many new users never placed a bet after signing up.

The team realized that we were missing a key moment to engage new users and make them excited to be part of FanDuel. Through user research, we discovered more information on why this was happening:

  • Users didn't understand responsible gaming tools and felt nervous about depositing

  • Users weren't clear on what payment types they could use to deposit

  • Users didn't know what promotions were available to them

  • Some users from outside of Ontario were unclear that they weren't allowed to register and thus were accidentally depositing, making it difficult for them to get their money back

We set out to address these issues as well as the business goal of increasing users making a first time deposit within 24 hours of registration.


Design Leadership - FanDuel Canada